Natural Nurse® Herbal Certification Course
I have been learning and teaching the medicinal use of herbs since 1964. I have provided information to thousands of individuals on how to use herbs for themselves, their patients and their families. As I travel around the world giving lectures and workshops, I get many requests for more in depth classes, and the opportunity to apprentice with me.
This correspondence course will afford you that opportunity.
You can begin by viewing the presentation/lecture below.
How the course works
The course is conducted via individual webinar training. I will send you a link to a PowerPoint, and then we will mutually choose a time (about an hour) to review the slides. As I discuss each topic, we will go into many aspects that are mentioned on each slide in a much more comprehensive way. It gives you in depth data on how to collect, purchase and use each individual herb for yourself and your family.
Before we complete each lecture, I will email you a specific assignment that you must complete before the following meeting. Depending on the level of the topic, it will be basic or more advanced. For example, I might ask you to go to your local health food store, and read the ‘other ingredients’ and ‘standardization claims’ on a few different herbal products. We will then discuss the significance of your findings.
Advanced Level
For a more advanced course, I may ask you to identify 2 alkaloid and 2 glycoside substances found in a particular herb. Then, you will report what medicinal value they have, along with possible adverse effects that they may provoke.
Beginner Level
Don’t worry, if you are a beginner, we will have covered all the initial classes you would need in order to know how to access that kind of information. Since I am both a traditional wildcrafting herbalist, AND a Professor of Botanical Pharmacognocy, I can take you as far as you want to go. Therefore, this course is appropriate for both the beginner and the professional, who would like to go more deeply into understanding the world of sentient as well as chemical interactions between plants and humans.
Topics offered include, but are not limited to:
- Herbal Medicine
- Essential Oil Therapy
- Homeopathy
- Radionics
- Darkfield Microscopy
- Regulatory Compliance for those offering products in the Natural Marketplace-
( vital if you wish to avoid becoming pen pals with the FDA and FTC!) www.facebook.com/NaturalRegulatoryNurse
Course: $ 475.00 – includes 5 Individual Real Time Classes
Discount Option: $ 180.00 for Pre-recorded 4 class series
After completing 5 classes, you will receive a certification. The certification will indicate the number of hours of study, and the level of the course work that you have completed.
I look forward to sharing my decades of knowledge with you, and to learning from you as well, because as a teacher, I am also a perpetual student.
For more information, email me or call (954) 418-2388