Summer is the perfect time to focus on natural healthy skin care. There is no lack of skin care products on the market, but even those that claim to be ‘natural’ often contain chemicals that act as sudsing agents, emulsifiers, preservatives and other artificial ingredients that can have detrimental effects on the skin. Summer is a great time to try some truly ‘all natural’ skin care items, which include fruits, vegetables and essential oils.
Avocado is a summer favorite. The shape of the Avocado is a clue to why the Aztecs called the avocado tree Ahuacuati, which means testicle tree. Avocados are a great source of the ‘good oils’ needed for the production of sex hormones. Avocados are a storehouse of nutrition, including vitamin E, vitamin C, folic acid, fiber, iron, potassium, lutein and beta-carotene. Avocado actually acts as a nutrient booster, which enhances the skin’s ability to absorb many of these nutrients, especially those that are fat-soluble, due to the high percentage of healthy essential fatty acids found in avocado. To use Avocado for skin care, just take a ripe avocado and smash it up with a fork until it has a creamy consistency. Put it directly on the face and leave it on for about ½ an hour, and then rinse off with lukewarm water. You will immediately feel its smoothing action.
Citrus fruits, including oranges, lemons and grapefruits have long been valued as part of a nutritious and tasty diet. Citrus fruits are famous for their Vitamin C content. However, citrus fruits are also a rich source of many vitamins, minerals, dietary polysaccharides and other phytochemicals that support healthy skin tone, such as potassium, folate, calcium, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, riboflavin and pantothenic acid. A variety of valuable phyto-chemicals are in found in citrus, such as monoterpenes, limonoids (triterpenes), flavanoids, carotenoids and hydroxycinnamic acid. Many of these nutrients act as powerful antioxidants, which help to diminish skin damage caused by free radicals, due to sun exposure and other stressful factors. Vitamin C in Citrus fruits is particularly important because Vitamin C is a necessary nutrient that the body needs to form collagen. Collagen is the ‘matrix’ which gives skin its tone and firmness. Wrinkles and ‘hanging skin’ are actually due to the weakening and breakdown of collagen that often occurs with advanced years. Make your own Citrus Skin Reviver- squeeze the juice of ½ grapefruit, one lemon and ½ orange into a glass. Add two times the amount of water to the juice combination, and one tablespoon of witch hazel. Pour the solution into a spray bottle (available at most drug stores). Spray your face a few times a day, and experience the natural exhilaration!
Carrots, along with other orange colored vegetables and fruits, such as butternut squash and pumpkins, contain a high amount of a family of nutrients known as carotenes. Beta carotene is one of the better known members of the carotene family, but actually, when they are used as a group, they provide superior protection against free radical damage than isolated beta carotene. Orange colored vegetables also contain flavonoids, which are active antioxidants that neutralize destructive free radicals. Carrots are particularly high in Vitamin A, with one carrot providing 270% of the daily requirement for Vitamin A. This is a plus for healthy skin. In fact, a Vitamin A derivative, Retinoic Acid, is a well known and scientifically studied skin care therapy, that helps to increase collagen and decrease wrinkles. To make a carrot facial, cut up 2-3 medium to large carrots and steam for 10 minutes or until soft. Mash with a fork. Add about 1 tsp of honey and mix well. Apply the carrot mixture to the face, and cover with a wash cloth soaked in luke warm water. Sit down and listen to music for 10-20 minutes. Rinse well and enjoy the refreshed skin glow! (The wash clothe may get ‘dyed’ orange, so don’t use your best linen! )
Green Tea has been a favorite drink of health enthusiasts for decades. It has also been well studied for its health promoting effects on skin. The skin-healing properties of green tea are linked to compounds called polyphenols, which help eliminate free radicals. The most abundant green tea polyphenol, EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate), has been studied for its ability to rejuvenate aging skin cells. Green tea has been shown to help reduce the effect of damaging UV radiation from the sun, which causes skin aging. Green tea also decreases inflammation and can help to improve skin elasticity. There are several ways you can take advantage of Green Tea. Get some Organic Green Tea Bags. Do NOT get de-caffeinated, since chemicals are often used in the decaffeination process. Put two Green Tea bags in a cup and cover with ¼ cup of boiling water. Allow to cool until it is warm to the touch. Then use the tea bags directly on the face, especially in any areas that tend to be puffy, such as lower eye lids. Allow the tea bags to stay in place for 20 min-1/2 hour. You can also use the liquid that the tea bags soaked in directly on the skin as a refreshing wash. Green tea is also available in powdered form, which is great for mixing into creams and lotions. Try green tea powder mixed into organic plain yogurt for a soothing and nutrition rich mask.
Ellen Kamhi PhD RN, The Natural Nurse®, can be heard on radio daily. She is the author of several books, including WEIGHT LOSS, the Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide. Dr. Kamhi has been involved in natural health care for over 4 decades. She answers consumer questions and has a private practice on Long Island. www.naturalnurse.com (954) 418-2388.
Glad I found your website (well, with a little help from AHNA and your gut health webinar).
Just suggested your book on arthritis to 2 clients and will need to read it myself.
Cheers, Paula
Hi Paula,
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Be Well! Ellen Kamhi