Ellen Kamhi, PhD, RN, The Natural Nurse® , www.naturalnurse.com, Medical School Instructor and Author of THE NATURAL MEDICINE CHEST
Soy Protein for High Cholesterol
Striving for a “Low Cholesterol Number” is losing popularity as a health goal, according to all of the latest studies. While having a high number for ‘Healthy Cholesterol” HDL, is still supported. The entire ‘cholesterol myth’ is now being exposed and ‘busted,’ and the The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, followed the lead of other major health groups like the American Heart Association that in recent years have backed away from dietary cholesterol restrictions and urged people to cut back on added sugars as a primary focus for top notch health. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/02/19/nutrition-panel-calls-for-less-sugar-and-eases-cholesterol-and-fat-restrictions/?_r=0
Consuming soy can be helpful in reducing low-density lipoprotein or ‘bad’ cholesterol levels by stimulating the liver to break down cholesterol. If soy is added to your diet, be sure it is ORGANIC. All non organic soy is GMO (genetically modified) and has been sprayed with high amounts of toxic herbicides such as Roundup.
Music therapy for Anxiety
Studies have shown that soothing music can have a positive effect on heart rate, and can be very beneficial to patients in reducing anxiety. Music therapy is a wonderful addition to everyone’s routine. Ellen Kamhi PhD RN ( article author), did an experiment using the healing sounds created by Stephen Halpern, which measured an increase in immune activity following listening to specific music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wj11p7veFJg http://www.stevenhalpern.com/prod/soundhealing.html
Condition: Chronic Venous Insufficiency
Treatment: Horse chestnut
When poor blood flow occurs in the veins, it can interfere with the bloods ability to exchange nutrients, waste products, and the all important oxygen every cell needs. This condition can lead to pain when walking, as well as swelling in the limbs.
Horse Chestnut is the nut produced by a large beautiful tree. It contains a compound called aescin, which can reduce the swelling and inflammation caused by venous insufficiency. In one study which involved 240 participants, Horse Chestnut was found to work as well as compression stockings at reducing inflammation.(Diehm C, et al. Comparison of leg compression stocking and oral horse-chestnut seed extract therapy in patients with chronic venous insufficiency. Lancet . 1996;347:292-294) Additional help for venous insufficiency include an increase in consumption of fruits high in bioflavonoids such as heperidin and rutin, found in berries and grapes. Nature’s Answer’s Bioflavonoid Liquid Extract has been successfully used since 1972 by thousands of people to increase their bioflavonoid intake. Other useful herbs include Butchers Broom, Gotu kola and Bilberry.
Condition: Back ache
Treatment: Chiropractic, Yoga and massage
Yoga massage and chiropractic may be the best choice as the first ‘go to ‘ therapy for a back ache, and has a much better risk benefit ratio than drugs or surgical interventions, which can be saved as a last resort measure. The author has interviewed hundreds of clients over 30 years who share claims of great relief from back pain by utilizing chiropractic care. Studies, add additional credence, such as one that is entitled, Adding Chiropractic Manipulative Therapy to Standard Medical Care for Patients With Acute Low Back Pain…. (http://www.multibriefs.com/briefs/aaoorg/addchiropracticMTtostandardmedicalcare062513.pdf)Yoga has been shown to improve strength, mobility and reduce back pain, and massage is a wonderful therapy to improve circulation, reduce muscle spasms and decease back pain.
Condition: High blood pressure
Treatment: Coenzyme Q10
This is a compound found in every cell and symptoms of deficiency include heart failure, high blood pressure and chest pain. Clinical studies have shown that coenzyme Q10 supplements may help to lowers blood pressure. Co Q 10 is depleted by MANY mainstream medications, including Statin Drugs, which leads to many other health issues, such as muscle weakness ( a well recognized adverse effect of statin drugs) Garlic, Magnesium and Omega 3 Fatty Acids, and the herb Hawthorne also be helpful to support healthy blood pressure levels.
Ellen Kamhi PhD RN, The Natural Nurse®, can be heard on radio daily. She is the author of several books, including The Natural Medicine Chest. Dr. Kamhi has been involved in natural health care for over 4 decades. Dr. Kamhi teaches certification courses in Herbal Medicine in person and online, and offers personal consultations. www.naturalnurse.com www.facebook.com/NaturalNurse (954) 418-2388
Is your class still available on July 11, from 11-5? on herbs and making salves you are doing in Old Bethpage?
Hello Leeandjo@aol.com
This class is still open for registration.
You can just show up, or preregister at : http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/1413760
email me at naturalalt@juno.com if you have any other questions.
Be Well!