Poison ivy can cause a severe skin rash on most people who touch it. This reaction is caused by sensitivity to Urushiol, a natural oil found in these plants. When urushiol touches the skin, it can cause an itchy, uncomfortable blistering rash. Throughout history, native people and herbalists who are often exposed to poison ivy, have found a way to cut down on the severity of this skin reaction.
Ellen Kamhi PhD, RN, www.naturalnurse.com was instructed by a Native American Elder on how to use the ingestion of small poison ivy leaves in the early spring to cut down on severe reactions throughout the season. This is similar to how a vaccination works, where the purposeful ingestion of a small amount of a substance can initiate an immune response that is protective the next time you are exposed to the same substance. She shared the technique with Horticulturist Mr. Bill Barash, who found that it worked for him as well! WE DON’T SUGGEST THAT YOU TRY THIS- ONLY AT YOUR OWN RISK!