Pumpkin (Curcurbita pepo) Gigantic Gourd…Guardian of Health
FACTS: Pumpkin is the largest species of fruit…
Pumpkin seed oil is high in essential fatty acids…
Pumpkin seeds are a safe and effective worm expellent..
Pumpkins grow on a creeping vine which have very large, dark green leaves. They are the largest known species of fruit and are often referred to in the Caribbean as “hundred weight gourds.” Individual specimens can exceed a circumference of six feet and weigh over 500 pounds! The orange color of the flesh of the pumpkin is due to its high content of various carotenoids and vitamin A. Native Americans grew pumpkins as a staple along with beans and corn and taught early European settlers to rely on pumpkins as a source of nutritious food.
The pumpkin is referred to as “Emperor of the Garden” in China and is considered a symbol for health and fruitfulness.
More than Just for Pumpkin Pie…
Chunks of pumpkin can be boiled or baked and served as a healthy vegetable, or it can be mashed and added to soups, stews and baked goods.
In the United States, the pumpkin has become reknown for its role as the Jack-O-Lantern on Halloween. Many a child stares wide eyed as the pumpkin is carved into a scary Jack-O-Lantern. A candle is then placed inside, lighting up the pumpkin face with an eerie glow.
Pumpkin seeds can be gently oven roasted into a delicious, nutritious, crunchy snack. Lay the seeds out one layer thick on a lightly oiled cookie sheet. Bake for half hourat 250 degrees. You can add a little sea salt to taste, if you so desire. Sprinkle some cayene pepper, garlic powder and tamari prior to baking for a delicious, high protein and nutritious snack.
For a variation on pesto, try pumpkin pesto. Use the raw pumpkin seeds as a replacement for pine nuts. This enhances the nutritional value and flavor of this delicious cuisine.
Pumpkin Seeds are Good “Male Medicine”….and More!
The pumpkin seed is respected in many parts of the world as a remedy for prostate problems and impotence in men. Research has found pumpkin seeds to be high in zinc and other minerals needed for a healthy male reproductive system. Pumpkin seeds are also a mild diuretic.
Another well known medicinal use for pumpkin seeds is as a vermifuge or worm expellent. The action of the rare amino acid cucurbitin, found in pumpkin seeds, is probably responsible for this effect. Eat a handful of pumpkin seeds, or grind the seeds into a powder and mix into warm soy or almond milk. This was often followed with two tablespoons of castor oil to facilitate the expulsion of the parasites. This “worm medicine” is safe for children and pregnant women when other vermifuge treatments may be too harsh.
Pumpkin seed oil is excellent to use externally to help heal burns, dryness and chapped skin because it is high in healthy linolenic and linoleic fatty acids. A poultice can also be made from the flesh of the pumpkin and applied directly to irritated skin.
As we see, pumpkins are much more than an autumn decoration. Use them for their versatility, nutrition and medicinal value in ….The Natural Medicine Chest.
Ellen Kamhi PhD, RN, The Natural Nurse®, is the author of several books, including THE NATURAL MEDICINE CHEST. Dr. Kamhi has been involved in natural health care for over 4 decades. She offers consults in person or by phone, and will be teaching a course at Century Village entitled Natural Remedies, Jan-Feb 2015. Dr. Kamhi www.naturalnurse.com (954) 418-2388.