Host Dr. Eugene Zampieron, ND, www.drznaturally.com, interviews Dr. Dean Howell,N.D. about NeuroCranialRestructuring ® therapy.
Dean Howell was born and raised in Everett, Washington. He is a graduate of Bastyr University of Naturopathic Medicine , and also has a degree in mathematics. Dr. Howell is an Internationally Renowned Naturopathic Physician who is also the inventor and developer of NeuroCranialRestructuring® ( NCR® ) .Clinically developed and tested over the past 35 years.
What is NeuroCranialRestructuring?
(NCR®) is a cumulative manipulation process involving controlled release of the body’s connective tissue tension to unwind the body and return it towards its original design. Widely touted as the most powerful therapy existing in physical medicine NeuroCranialRestructuring is an effective therapy for safe and permanent relief from all types of chronic pain without Prescriptions, Painkillers, Exercise or Invasive surgery. NCR is acclaimed worldwide for treating chronic pain – especially musculoskeletal pain attributed to workplace and sports injuries, accidents, aging, and for over 80 other Musculoskeletal and Nervous Disorders. The therapy has brought new life and healing in the lives of more than 60,000 patients who had been, previously deemed untreatable by mainstream medicine.
Contact: 1-888-252-0411,
Email: info@drdeanhowell.com
Website: www.drdeanhowell.com
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