Margot C, Secretary Long Island Dowsers, Freeport, LI, NY

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Dr. Kamhi, I’m always amazed at the range of subjects you have presented- both entertaining and informative. You touched on many areas that lead to further exploration.


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One thought on “Margot C, Secretary Long Island Dowsers, Freeport, LI, NY”

  1. Dear Dr. Kamhi,
    Regarding the Long Island Dowsers, Lori Fabiano is now the President and Contact Person, at (516) 526-4303. We still meet at the Freeport Memorial Library on the 3rd Sunday of the Month from September to May (except in December) starting at 1:00 PM. Our meeting format has changed: we get together to discuss whatever topics interest us and try to hone our dowsing skills through practice and demonstration. At this time we do not have guest speakers, but are open to having them in the future.
    Wanda Fallon

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