Aluminum Toxicity

aluminum toxicity
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I often get asked health questions from readers and people who have private consultations.

Here is a recent question:

Q. My husband was told he has aluminum toxicity. How would he get this and what can he do about it?

Here is my answer:

There are many heavy metals found in our food and the environment which can be absorbed by the body and create health problems. As more research is done in this area, we have an increasing amount of scientific evidence that shows heavy metal accumulation can be a detrimental factor in many illnesses, especially neurological imbalances such as Parkinson’s, autism, dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.

Aluminum toxicity is a concern for many reasons. Aluminum has been found in high concentrations in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s Disease, and it can replace the iron normally found in the hemoglobin of red blood cells and lead to anemia.

Aluminum is present in many commonly used household items, and most people are exposed to some extent. For those who work in specific industries, such as agriculture, mining, welding, car body repair, and others, the amount of exposure is particularly dangerous.

Here are some common sources of Aluminum:

aluminum pots and pans

Aluminum cookware ( replace all aluminum cookware with stainless steel or glass such as corning ware or pyrex)

aluminum foil for food wrapping

Aluminum foil used to wrap food ( if you wrap food in aluminum foil, first be sure the food item is cool to the touch, then wrap it first in wax paper, so no aluminum touches the food directly, to avoid leaching)

aluminum free baking powder

Commercial baked goods ( these contain aluminum based baking powder; health food stores offer items made with aluminum-free baking powder)

 antiperspirants with aluminum ingredient

Antiperspirants ( read the label, antiperspirants contain aluminum , which can go through the underarm pores; choose deodorants which usually do NOT contain aluminum)


 commercial table salt

Commercial salt (read the label- it may contain dextrose(sugar) and aluminum as a free flowing agent; sea salt does not )




Hair coloring

Vaccinations (such as flu shots)

Aluminum, as well as many other metals, such as mercury and cadmium , can be toxic when too much is accumulated in the body. This can depend on the amount that a person is exposed to, the distribution within body tissues, and how high the concentration is within the body. Aluminum can inhibit protein synthesis which leads to tissue breakdown, block enzyme activities, and change the permeability of cell membranes.

In order to get rid of accumulated aluminum, first become aware of the sources, and eliminate them. Move to a more natural diet and lifestyle. Include many dark green leafy organic vegetables and use sea salt or kelp powder instead of commercial salt.

Consider Chelation therapy, provided by many Integrative Physicians, which has many health benefits including the removal of heavy metals such as aluminum. Contact ACAM ( American College for Advancement In Medicine- 1.800.532.3688) to find a doctor near you.

There are some herbs that can help as well, such as Yellow Dock and Burdock Root. Using a sauna and steam room, along with dry skin brushing can also help the body eliminate accumulated toxic heavy metals.

Your Natural Health Care provider can also recommend homeopathic remedies that can help to excrete heavy metals.

If you would like to see a documentary called The Age Of Aluminum,
which investigates the ‘dark side’ of this potentially toxic metal, here is a link to the English version of the film:


Aluminium and zinc phosphide poisoning.

Clin Toxicol (Phila).  2009; 47(2):89-100 (ISSN: 1556-9519)

Elevated brain aluminum and early onset Alzheimer’s disease in an individual occupationally expBy Lou Sander – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, to aluminum: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports20148:41 DOI: 10.1186/1752-1947-8-41

Image credit:

Aluminum Free Baking Powder By Lou Sander – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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6 thoughts on “Aluminum Toxicity”

  1. Hello

    So happy to have discovered your site. How is brain aluminum measured and blood aluminum.?

    1. Although testing aluminum in the brain is not usually done, you can ask your doctor to do a blood level, which most
      labs do. You can also get a hair analysis done, which is more accurate if you do not dye your hair.

      Thank you,

  2. Hello

    Are there any cons to taking too much D-Mannose? I am currently taking 2000mgm of Manose but read that I should be taking 4-5000.

    1. Hello Bonnie- Thank you for your question. Most of the studies on D-Mannose show that 5000 mg / dose yields the best outcome.
      This supplement is not used all the time, but as needed.

      Thank you,

  3. Vaccines can have aluminum in them (ingredients listed on CDC site), that gets stored in the brain according to a recent study mentioned by Robert F. Kennedy in an interview on “Vaccines Revealed”. I successfully used a detoxification protocol by Drs. Kinghardt and Mercola outlined in TheHeavyMetalsSummit, when other chelation therapies were ineffective. Also according to the TheHeavyMetalsSummit other, more advanced testing is available (besides blood, urine and hair which by the way all showed no aluminum).

  4. That is fortunate for you that you had the resources to pursue higher levels of testing. Most people with high aluminum levels will get high readings from blood, urine and hair analysis testing.

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