Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome also known as CIRS is the topic of discussion when Dr. Eugene Zampieron, ND, AHG, interviews Dr. Marly Sachsman, ND, MA-CCC.
Dr. Marly is a naturopathic doctor who provides healthcare to infants through the geriatric population at her clinic, Maine Natural Medicine. She is passionate about Naturopathic Medicine and partnering with her patients to restore health, well-being and balance. Her registered trademark is Empowering Health. In partnership with her patients, an individualized plan is created, embracing the lifestyle, dietary, nutrition, supplementation and additional therapies that will be most beneficial to the patient’s wellness plan and restored health.
Dr. Sachsman has training and experience in Nutrition, Botanical Medicine, Homeopathy, Mind/Body Medicine, Environmental Medicine, GI Health, Brain Health and Healthy Aging. She brings a wealth of experience in working with children with special needs. She is certified in the use of ozone therapy as a potent medical treatment for a variety of complex, chronic medical conditions. She uses lifestyle, diet and supplement therapies to promote positive epigenetic influences on her patient’s inherited genetic make up.
Dr Sachsman is also certified by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and is a certified Integrated Awareness® Teacher.
Phone : 207-664-0005
Website: https://www.mainenaturalmedicine.com/
To listen to the interview, click the player below. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestion, please use the comment section under this post or contact Ellen Kamhi here.