Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief is the topic of discussion when host Dr. Eugene Zampieron, ND, www.drznaturally.com interviews Master Herbalist David Winston, RH, AHG.
Who is David Winston?
David Winston is an herbalist and ethnobotanist with almost 40 years of training in Cherokee, Chinese and Western herbal traditions. He has had a clinical practice for over 30 years and is a herbal consultant to physicians throughout the USA and Canada. President of Herbalist & Alchemist, Inc. an herbal manufacturing company, he is also founder/director of David Winston’s Center for Herbal Studies which features his highly respected Two-Year Clinical Herbalist Training Program. He is an internationally known lecturer and teaches frequently at medical schools, symposia and herb conferences.
David is the co-author of Winston & Kuhn’s Herbal Therapies and Supplements: A Scientific and Traditional Approach, author of Saw Palmetto for Men & Women, Herbal Therapeutics, Specific Indications For Herbs and Herbal Formulas, and a contributing author to American Herbalism. In addition, he is a founding/professional member of the American Herbalist Guild, and he has served four terms on the Board of Directors.
http://www.herbaltherapeutics.net and
To listen to the interview, click the player below. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestion, please use the comment section under this post or contact Ellen Kamhi here.