Water as the Fountain of Youth? Yes. Today Dr. Eugene Zampieron, ND, AHG, www.drznaturally.com and Dr. Dana Cohen, M.D., integrative medicine specialist will discuss her new book, “Quench: Beat Fatigue, Drop Weight, and Heal Your Body Through the New Science of Optimum Hydration”.
Chronic headaches…brain fog…fatigue…weight gain…insomnia…gut pain…autoimmune conditions. We may think these and other all-too-common modern maladies are due to gluten intake or too much sugar or too little exercise. But there is another missing piece to the health puzzle: Proper hydration.
Yes, even in this era of Poland Spring water many of us are dehydrated due to moisture lacking diets, artificial environments, medications, and over-dependence on water as our only source of hydration. For this reason, that new diet or exercise plan may fail because our body doesn’t have enough moisture to support it.
Dr. Dana Cohen, MD, is a nationally renowned internal and integrative medicine specialist whose multi-disciplinary approach has helped treat thousands of patients using a variety of conventional and complementary therapies. In practice for nearly two decades, Cohen trained under the late Dr. Robert Atkins, author of the iconic, “Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution,” and Dr. Ronald L. Hoffman, a pioneer of integrative medicine and founder of the Hoffman Center in New York City. Cohen was certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine in 1998, and was appointed to the Board of Directors of the American College for the Advancement of Medicine (ACAM).
Dr. Cohen earned her medical degree from St. George’s University School of Medicine and completed a three-year internal medicine residency at Albany Medical Center and was board-certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine in 1998. She has on-air experience as a radio host and previously co-hosted, “Healthy for Good,” radio show that aired in New York City and “New Vitality Live,” a nationally syndicated show on WOR Radio Network.
Contact: https://www.drdanacohen.com/
To listen to the interview, click the player below. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestion, please use the comment section under this post or contact Ellen Kamhi here.