Solar United Neighborhoods is a non-profit organization that helps people and communities go solar, join together, and fight for their green energy rights. As part of this mission, the members work to promote the benefits of solar around the country.
Ellen Kamhi interviews Anya Schoolman to discuss about the organization and why we have to fight for our green energy rights.
About Anya
Anya Schoolman has worked for decades on environmental projects and policy up and down the Western Hemisphere. This work has helped her grapple with the issue of sustainable development and how to make complex issues relevant to the community. Solar United Neighbors got its start when her son Walter asked, “Mom, can we go solar?”
In her role as Executive Director, Anya has been instrumental in the passage of landmark solar legislation and regulation. In April 2014, the White House selected Anya as one of 10 White House Champions of Change for Solar Deployment for her groundbreaking work to deploy solar in the National Capital Region.
Contact information www.solarunitedneighbors.org
To listen to the interview, click the player below. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestion, please use the comment section under this post or contact Ellen Kamhi here.