Ellen Kamhi PhD RN, AHG-RH, AHN-BC, member of ACNA (American Cannabis Nurses Association) , interviews Dr. Mary Clifton, MD about Medical Marijuana, Navigating the Confusion of terminologies, types, and how to get prescription.
About Dr. Clifton
Dr Mary Clifton MD is an alumni board member at Michigan State University’s medical school, she completed her residency training with MSU in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Currently, she is an internal medicine doctor in New York City with more than 20 years of experience in hospital and private practice settings.
She is passionate about innovation and patient empowerment. Dr. Mary has created the largest compilation of researched, referenced educational videos on CANNABIS, available at https://cbdandcannabisinfo.com She is registered with the New York State Department of Health’s Medical Marijuana Program.
It is no coincident that she is also a national bestselling author and expert in CBD and cannabis. Her latest book is The Grass is Greener with Dr. Tom O’Bryan. Discover what science, history and families have to teach us about the risks and benefits of cannabinoids, and learn about your own endocannabinoid system. Also, find out what research is still needed to better understand this versatile plant, and what research looks promising for future breakthroughs in health and wellness.
Dr. Clifton has previously worked on national speaking bureaus for Eli Lilly, Amgen, Forest Pharmaceuticals, and Medtronic.
To listen to the interview, click the player below. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestion, please use the comment section under this post or contact Ellen Kamhi here.
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Image by Julia Teichmann from Pixabay