Ellen Kamhi Ph.D., RN, RH(AHG), AHN-BC, The Natural Nurse and Tricia Silverman RD, MBA discussed her book Healthy Dividends: Investments in Nutrition, Movement, and Healthy Habits that Pay Off.
About Tricia Silverman
Tricia Silverman RD, MBA has been a fitness and nutrition enthusiast, since she was a child. She is a registered dietitian, certified wellness coach, and fitness instructor (certified as a personal trainer and group fitness instructor), and International Amazon Bestselling Author. Tricia has been published in canfitpro Magazine, Bipolar Magazine and Schizophrenia Digest, and other publications.
She has her MBA and teaches Nutrition Entrepreneurship and Healthy Aging for Northeastern University. She creates captivating nutrition programs for conferences, employee wellness, senior centers, businesses, and more. Through her coaching practice, she has helped people lose weight, eat better, move more, and get more out of life!
She owns Tricia Silverman Wellness, based in Massachusetts. Operating since 2004, her company specializes in high-energy, fun, and informative wellness programs, including combined nutrition and fitness programs, innovative nutrition presentations, health fair services, and individual nutrition/wellness coaching sessions.
Tricia leads nutrition, weight management, and coaching certifications across the US.
About the Book: Healthy Dividends
Learn the nuts and bolts of the NuTricia’s Way of Eating. Use Tricia’s Nutrition Staircase to learn the steps you can take on your journey toward optimal health. Learn easy ways to figure out how many calories and protein grams you need. Learn why the Keto and Paleo diets may be shortening your lifespan, and even setting the stage for cancer, heart disease, and more!
Contact: https://www.triciasilverman.com/
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