Please listen to host Dr. Eugene Zampieron, ND interviewing Ran Knishinsky MBA
About Ran Knishinsky
Ran Knishinsky holds an MBA from Arizona State University. He has been studying the science of consuming clay for more than 30 years.
Ran has worked in both the naturopathic and allopathic medicine industries, first as the owner of a homeopathic dispensary and later as a consultant and marketing executive in the hospital and pharmaceutical sectors. He is the author of several books, including Prickly Pear Cactus Medicine, and The Prozac Alternative. Today we will be discussing his book, Healing with Clay: A Practical Guide to the Earths Oldest Natural Remedy.
Healing with Clay: A Practical Guide to the Earths Oldest Natural Remedy
Explores the science and history behind Eating Clay and explains how it can be used for Protection and Nutritional Supplementation
An exceptional detoxification agent, clay has been ingested as a traditional remedy and nutritional supplement throughout the world for thousands of years. It is still eaten on a daily basis by more than 200 cultures worldwide for better digestion, internal protection, and overall well-being.In this revised and expanded edition of The Clay Cure, Ran Knishinsky explores the science and history behind eating clay, citing many clinical studies on the beneficial effects of clay consumption and revealing that clay eating is neither a crazy nor an aberrant behavior. He details how clay can be used as a protectant and detoxificant. He explains how clay is naturally absorbent and extremely gentle on the system and reveals how it’s safe to use, even during pregnancy. He also explores the newest scientific research around its detoxifying properties, antibacterial and antiviral effects, its potential use in obesity, and its role in the treatment of a handful of gastrointestinal conditions.
The author examines the extraordinarily rich mineral content of clay and its benefits throughout the body. He details how to select the appropriate type and form of clay, when to consume, and
how to purchase a high-quality clay product. Revealing how eating clay can truly benefit your health, this practical guide details everything you need to know about healing with Earth’s oldest natural remedy.
Contact: www.detoxdirt.com
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