On this edition of the Natural Nurse and Dr. Z, the hosts of the program teamed up and discussed Natural remedies for summer ailments.
As we enjoy the beautiful weather and the coming summer solstice energy, many of us love spending time outside enjoying the Great Outdoors.
But of course, being outdoors comes with its own share of seasonal issues…. such as sunburn, heat exhaustion, hay-fever /allergies, bug bites, Lyme disease, poison ivy, food poisoning, aches and pains /strains and sprains from yard work or hiking, and a host of other maladies.
But thankfully, Mother Nature has given us a natural medicine chest full of incredible non-toxic remedies to assist you and your loved ones with many of these conditions.
Dr. Eugene Zampieron ND, a licensed naturopathic physician and herbalist, and Ellen Kamhi Ph.D., RN, AHN-BC, RH(AHG), The Natural Nurse®, focused on homeopathic remedies and other natural approaches to keep you healthy, safe and enjoying the great outdoors during this joyful, sunny season. So please take a listen.
To listen to this special edition, click the player below. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestion, please use the comment section under this post or contact Ellen Kamhi.
You may also be interested in listening to Poison Ivy: Friend or Foe?. You can consult with Dr. Eugene Zampieron ND or Ellen Kamhi PhD, RN, AHN-BC, RH (AHG)