Sane Asylums – Mental Illness Treatment (ANCIENT and MODERN) was the main topic of discussion when host Ellen Kamhi Ph.D., RN, AHG-RH, AHN-BC interviewed Jerry M. Kantor, L.Ac., CCH, MMHS
About Jerry Kantor
Jerry M. Kantor, L.Ac., CCH, MMHS, is a faculty member of the Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine and owner of Vital Force Health Care LLC, a Boston-area homeopathy and acupuncture practice. The first acupuncturist to receive an academic appointment at Harvard Medical School’s Department of Anesthesiology, Kantor is the author of SANE ASYLUMS. This book explores the ancient and modern treatment of Mental Illness.
About Sane Asylums book
Revealing the astonishing but suppressed history of homeopathic psychiatry, Jerry M. Kantor examines the success of homeopathic psychiatric asylums in America from the post–Civil War era until 1920, including how the madness of Mary Todd Lincoln was effectively treated with homeopathy at a “sane” asylum in Illinois. He focuses in particular on New York’s Middletown State Homeopathic Hospital, where superintendent Selden Talcott oversaw a compassionate and holistic treatment regime that married Thomas Kirkbride’s moral treatment principles to homeopathy. Kantor reveals how homeopathy was pushed aside by pharmaceuticals, which often caused more harm than good, as well as how the current critical attitude toward homeopathy has distorted the historical record.
Offering a vision of mental health care for the future predicated on a model that flourished for half a century, Kantor shows how we can improve the care and treatment of the mentally ill and stop the exponential growth of terminal mental disorder diagnoses that are rampant today.
To listen to the interview, click the player below. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please use the comment section under this post or contact Dr. Ellen Kamhi here.
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