Co-host Dr. Eugene Zampieron, ND, www.drznaturally.com, interviews Dr. Kylie Burton, DC, CFMP about her book: Why Are My Labs Normal?
About Dr. Kylie Burton
Dr. Kylie Burton, DC, CFMP, is an international best-seller with her book “Why are My Labs Normal?” She specializes in functional medicine helping thousands of individuals with seemingly impossible health struggles, find answers, healing, and hope, even if they’ve been told their blood work is normal.
Besides helping patients, she teaches practitioners (of all backgrounds) how they can level up their patient results using her functional blood work methods.
Dr. Kylie hosts the top-rated podcast Beyond the Diagnosis with Dr. Kylie and has been featured on 5 international radio shows. On TV, she has been a guest on Good Morning Utah and FOX26Houston, and The List (national TV).
Book: Why Are My Labs Normal? – Your guide to reading your own blood work; no medical background needed
PODCAST: Beyond the Diagnosis with Dr. Kylie on all Podcast Platforms
Email: drkylieteam@gmail.com
– Website – https://drkylieburton.com/
– Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/drkylieburton/
– Facebook – https://web.facebook.com/drkylieburton/
– YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdqJbAS6ocKydcjNiDQoauw
– TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@drkylieburton
To listen to the interview, click the player below. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please use the comment section under this post or contact Ellen Kamhi here.
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