With the Advent of cooler fall weather people are starting to get back into their exercise routine however if they’re not careful they will develop a condition called delayed onset muscle soreness.
On this edition of “The Natural Nurse and Dr. Z“, Dr. Z will be hosting and will bring the listener on a excellent and thorough discussion of the etiology of delayed onset muscle soreness, and some very excellent evidence-based remedies to prevent this condition so that we’re able to get back to our fitness routines that maybe we put on hold because of the very warm summer weather.
So what is delayed onset muscle soreness? Let’s do a quick definition. Well, it’s muscle soreness where you feel achy a couple days after you work out or have a physical demanding day. You know, day one is the workout. You have the intense physical activity. Day two is the calm before the storm. You may feel tired, but strangely okay. Then day three, bam, you feel incredibly achy and sore. That’s delayed onset muscle soreness. And that’s because it takes time for the inflammatory process to peak and begin to repair the micro damage that’s happening.
and so we want to make sure that we, you know, help people so that they can, you know, and give them a multi -mode treatment routine, including, you know, proper protein feeding of the muscles, proper antioxidants, proper botanicals, other evidence -based things, to see if we could increase their performance and stop or reduce delayed onset muscle soreness.
To listen to this special edition, click the player below. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestion, please use the comment section under this post or contact Ellen Kamhi.
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