Natural Digestive Support with Dr. Zampieron ND and Ellen Kamhi Ph.D., RN

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In this edition of the Natural Nurse and Doctor Z, the hosts explore some of the most powerful natural  treatments for digestive ailments.

Digestive concerns are one of the top issues that initiate both in office calls to physicians and over-the-counter sales of self-help medicines. In fact, heartburn, GERD, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and even more serious conditions such as colitis and Crohn’s disease are so common in the western developed world, that many  mainstream prescription medicines have become Over The Counter [ OTC] and are used by millions of people at their peril, as they have a litany of side effects and drug nutrient depletions.

Natural Digestive Support
Human Digestive System Diagram

For example, allopathic treatment of GERD/ heartburn requires patients to be put on a cocktail of proton pump inhibitors and Histamine blocking pharmaceuticals for lengthy periods to block excess acid when in fact, patients have an overproduction of too weak acid, and  have chronic hiatal hernias. The Standard American diet {SAD}  is devoid of many nutrients, and the use of these pharmaceuticals leads to gastroparesis, or the food remaining in the stomach for too long…. fermenting, causing gas and bloating, and feeding negative stomach intestinal flora.

Natural medicines and TCM [the ancient Chinese system of medicine] have developed effective, non-toxic treatments that get to the root cause of these conditions. For instance, a naturopathic physician Fletcher (1800s ) had his patients simply take bitter herbs,  chew their food to liquid, take time with their  meals,  and cured 90% of these all digestive conditions!!

In addition, there are a host of other effective treatments that will be discussed in the program  such as digestive tonic herbs, carminatives, aperitifs, homeopathics, Traditional Chinese Medicine, enzymes, and other supplements  which can aid patients in the treatment of  these acute and chronic digestive concerns.




You may also be interested in listening to Ayurvedic and Chinese Practices for a Healthy Gut and a Clear Mind with Bridgette Shea L.Ac., MAcOM and Digestive Distress: Putting an End to Fall Tummy Troubles and Bloat with Dr. Julie Gatza

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask in the comment section.

Image credit: 

Diagram by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay


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