On this edition of the Natural Nurse and Dr Z, listeners joined the hosts of the program , Dr Eugene Zampieron (DrZ of drznaturally.com) and Ellen Kamhi Ph.D., RN, AHN-BC, RH(AHG), The Natural Nurse® as they discuss medicinal herbs and spices of the Caribbean.
So many different spices and essential oils have their origin in the Caribbean . Medicinal plants have made the journey via discovery by ethnobotanists and ethno pharmacologists into the pantheon of medication used in Western medicine.
Doctor Eugene Zampieron has been combing the hills, valleys and rainforests of the Caribbean since 1981 in search of new medicines. His work with a Jamaican bush doctor and shaman, Jamba of The Maroons, was recorded in a new documentary :
Eco tours for cures a retrospective Journey.
INFO and REGISTRATION for 2024 EcoTours for Cures Jamaica:
To listen to this special edition, click the player below. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestion, please use the comment section under this post or contact Ellen Kamhi.
You may also be interested in listening to HAIR ANALYSIS – What you can learn about your health with Dr. Zampieron ND & Ellen Kamhi Ph.D., RN in order to find out the type of toxins that have accumulated in your body. You can consult with Dr. Eugene Zampieron ND.