Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.

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February 23, 2018 - February 25, 2018

10 CE Credits for Nurses, Midwives Massage Therapists, Acupuncturists, Nutritionists
Do you love herbs, healing, and the beautiful outdoors? Join us for the seventh annual Florida Herbal Conference, held February 23-25, 2018 in Lake Wales, FL, featuring Ellen Kamhi PhD RN, along with many teachers including Linda and Luke Black Elk, who are joining us from the Standing Rock Reservation.
Ellen Kamhi PhD RN will be presenting the following workshops:
Current medical literature is documenting the link between inflammation and degenerative illnesses, including Arthritis, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, Heart disease and Cancer. Societies around the globe have experimented with natural remedies that modulate inflammation for centuries. Scientific evidence supports many of these traditional therapeutics, which have a much better risk to benefit profile than conventional drugs such as Vioxx, Celebrex and NSAID’s, especially for long term use. In this presentation we will discuss the basic etiology and range of substantiated natural constituents that may help prevent or ameliorate inflammation. For each botanical, we will elucidate: traditional/folkloric use, chemical constituents, possible mechanism of action, suggested dosage, cautions including possible herb/drug interactions
Empower yourself by learning How To Use Dowsing and Radionics To Honor and Interface With Herbal Medicine. The ancient art of dowsing has been a time honored system used by healers around the world as a sacred tool to measure and tune into vibrational fields that surround all plants, animals, humans and imponderable essences. There are many kinds of dowsing tools, including pendulums, dowsing ‘rods’ and advanced electronic field readers, and body centered ‘stickplates’. Radionics is a system of measuring and influencing energy patterns, frequencies, signatures and vibrational rhythms. Basic to radionic theory and practice is the concept that everything shares a common ground in that we are all bathed in the electro-magnetic and other energy fields of the entire Universe. Through the use of simple tools, energy and intention, healthy patterns can be evaluated and restored. Dowsing and radionics are practical tools that enhance sharing HERBS AS MEDICINE, by having a tool to evaluate formulations and dosing specific to EACH INDIVIDUAL. In addition, via Radionics, plant medicines can be ‘broadcast at a distance’ to enhance healing for ourselves, friends and loved ones.
With herbal teachers gathering to share their wisdom, participants will enjoy choosing from over 50 workshops, plant walks, and classes throughout the weekend, ranging from Clinical Herbalism to Kitchen and Garden medicine. Recreational activities such as drumming, yoga, singing, and canoeing provide a variety of options to unwind and relax under the beautiful live oak trees. Enjoy evening keynotes and interactive musical experiences plus a drumming circle around the fire. Take home treasures from artisans and crafters in our Herbal Marketplace.
The program will inspire and enliven you, making this an event you won’t want to miss.
The conference is hosted by The Florida School of Holistic Living. Camping is included in registration, and indoor cabin lodging and weekend meal plans are also available. Proceeds will benefit United Plant Savers.
For more information: