Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.

2025 Wild Edible & Medicinal Herb Identification at Restoration Farm
June 21 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm EDT
To register: CHECK BACK for a link to register.
Join Natural Nurse Ellen Kamhi PhD, RN, AHG , as she leads a meandering walk through the gardens and fields of the Restoration Farm in Old Bethpage (NY), identifying herbs and edibles commonly dismissed as weeds and discussing their medicinal properties and safety. Sun hat and water bottle are recommended.
Here are some herbs that we may see and many more to explore:

Fee: $25
$20 for CSA members—must register at farm to receive discount
If you have any questions, please call (954) 418-2388
Image credit:
Red Clover Image by Couleur from Pixabay
Garlic Mustard Image by Agata Sochalska from Pixabay
Yarrow Image by Jürgen from Pixabay
Mugwort Image by Wild Food UK
Garlic Mustard Image by Agata Sochalska from Pixabay
Yarrow Image by Jürgen from Pixabay
Mugwort Image by Wild Food UK