As many of you know, I am a label reader. When someone asks me to evaluate a product, the first thing I do is to read the OTHER INGREDIENTS. I then check EACH NUTRIENT to determine the kind, the purity and the integrity of the formula.
I have chosen the products I recommend carefully and after much investigation and analysis. I only support the use of formulations that I would use for myself, my family, my friends and my clients.
Restorative Formulations offers a range of therapeutic formulations with a focus on purity. 95% of the herbs used are certified organic or wild-crafted.
Restorative Formulations develops highly concentrated, therapeutic dosages. If you click on any product below, you will be able to click on an INGREDIENTS tab, which shows you the in depth supplement fact box of the formula.
To purchase, first please call 954-418-2388 or email naturalalt@juno.com to request a Practitioner's Authorization Code Number.
You can then create a login here, or call : 800-420-5801
Whether you login or call, you will need to give the AUTHORIZATION CODE NUMBER
STAY HEALTHY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adrenal and Immune support
Adrenal Px Balance Capsules
Cortisol Balance
Adrenal Px DHEA
Adrenal Hormone Support
Adrenal Px DHEA 25
Adrenal Hormone Support
Adrenal Px L-BP Capsules
Adrenal Support, Aldosterone Balance
Cardiac Calm Px
Cardiac Muscle Contractibility
Cholesterol Care
Supports Cholesterol Metabolism
Promotes Cardiovascular Health
Enfla-Mend Px
Relief of minor pain due to occasional overuse
Enfla-Mend Px 60 caps
Relief of minor pain due to occasional overuse
Estro Px 75 Caps
Reduces Hot Flashes
Glucose Balance Px
Blood Sugar Metabolism
HTN 180 Px Original
Healthy Blood Pressure (already within normal range)
HTN 180 Px - Extra Strength
Healthy Blood Pressure (already within normal range)
Iodine Px
Iodine Cofactors
Liver Support Px
Hepatic Cell Activity
Metabolic Nutrition- 60 Capsules
High-Nutrient Multivitamin
Mitochondria Nutrition PQQ
Supports the production of new mitochondria
Neuro-GI Px
Relieving occasional constipation
Neuro-Protect Px
Supports the production of nerve growth factor
Osteo Px
Provides 500 mcg Vitamin K2 as MK7 for Serious Bone Support
High-Nutrient Multivitamin
Respiratory EZ
Bronchial Function
Support for Sound Sleep
StressCalm Px
Alleviating Symptoms of Occasional Stress
T-Cell Balance Px
Balanced immune system
ThyroCalm Px
Healthy Thyroid Function and Stabilization
Healthy Thyroid Function and Healthy Body Temperature
Thyroid Px
Best Selling Thyroid Formula
Vitamin D3 Balance
Immune Function and Cell Growth